Radio DoDo: Space

Radio DoDo: Space

episodes | 25 05 2020

Here’s a riddle for you: what surrounds us at all times, but is untouchable always?

The answer to the riddle is also tonight’s theme on Radio-Dodo. It’s space!

We start the show by learning how to become an astronaut with the Canadian Space Agency Junior Astronauts’ spokesperson, Jamie Sevigny, and Sanaa Bendahmane. Afterward, Paula Henriquez-Karmis adapts The Two First Astronauts, a tale written by our friend Louise Otis. Then, Paula reads an adaptation of The Little Prince from Antoine de St-Exupéry, suggested by our friend Isabelle Maréchal. The show goes on with a story from Bernard’s rendez-vous, recited by Gabriel Veiga, called The Tiny Moon that Wanted to See the Sun. After, we get to listen to the awaited follow up to My friend Dounia written by Marya Zarif and interpreted by Paula.

See you next week!


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