Syrian Regime Air Forces Destroyed the Largest Mosaic in the World!

Syrian Regime Air Forces Destroyed the Largest Mosaic in the World!

Reports | 3 11 2016

The heavy bombardment by the Syrian Air Forces on the city of "Taybat al-Imam" in Hama countryside, led to the destruction of the city’s Archaeological Museum, amid the exodus of many people towards the opposition strongholds.

The importance of the devastating museum that it contains the largest mosaic in the world, with a size of 600 square meters, where it was considered to be one of the masterpieces and treasures of the Syrian civilization. This mosaic is a chef d'oeuvre from the Byzantine period where it was discovered between 1985 to 1987, and now it was destroyed by more than 70% after the raids.

After the control of the Syrian regime forces on the town of "Soran", on Thursday, an opposition faction named "Caucasus Soldiers" ran out a military operation from the north-east of the town, and they were able to seize a tank from the Regime Army and killed a number of its soldiers.

While another faction named "Tajamoo Al-Sham" targeted regime forces gatherings, in the towns of "Salhab", "Al-Rabiah", and "Asila" by artillery shells. As they targeted Syrian regime’s soldiers based in "Soran" by mortar.

In the western countryside of Hama, the helicopters threw several barrel bombs on villages and "Qastun" and "Ziadai", what caused the devastation in many houses, while some of the barrels fell on agricultural lands.


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