The Aid Received by Arab Countries .. Syria in The Lead!

The Aid Received by Arab Countries .. Syria in The Lead!

Media | 24 08 2016

World Bank statistics indicate that net official development assistance and official aid received by the Arab countries amounted to about $ 22.3 billion during 2014, 14% out of the total net aid in the world, amounting to $ 161 billion.

The following table illustrates the aid received by the Arab countries, and Syria came to the fore at about $ 4 billion, Egypt $ 3.5 billion, Jordan $ 2.7 billion, Palestine $ 2.5 billion, and Morocco $ 2.3 billion.

Saudi Arabia is considered to be the most generous financial donor. The International Monetary Fund estimated the size of Saudi financial aid between 2011 and April 2014, with approximately $ 22.7 billion.

Egypt topped the list of recipient countries with $ 6.5 billion, followed by Yemen at about $ 3.8 billion, Jordan with about $ 3 billion, Bahrain at $ 2.8 billion, Oman $ 2.5 billion, Palestine at about $ 1.8 billion, then Sudan at about $ 527 million, Djibouti $ 68 million.

* This article was published for the first time on the website 'Raseef 22' , and re-published by Rozana.

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