Legal information

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All the content, articles and images, on this website are the intellectual property of the Rozana Foundation, and it is not permissible to copy, reproduce, distribute or display them without expressed written approval of those in charge of the institution. Rozana Radio reserves the right to remove any content from its website.

Radio Rozana is registered in France under the registration number in the French National Register is W751220626.

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When it comes to third-party copyrights in content on this website, Radio Rozana permits and encourages the reproduction of protected content, in accordance with the copyrights detailed on this site or any of its (portable) web pages. Reproduction of protected content is free of charge in any form or medium, according to the following conditions:

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* This content shall be strictly reproduced and shall not be used in any way that negatively affects any of the rights and interests of Radio Rozana.

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